Monday, 3 December 2012

Chinese pigment manufacturers:

Chinese pigment manufacturers:

China is dominating the world with its manufacturing capacity, almost every product is manufactured in China from needle to vehicle and from coloring paint pigments to tower cranes, and they are dominating the market. One of the biggest reasons for that is the labor, it is quite easily available. Another important determinant is tax holidays that are given to the investors which makes china a compelling place for foreign investors.

Chemical industry seems to be having a strong foothold in china , paints ,color paint pigments supplier, who supply tio2, carbon black and almost every chemicals is been manufactured here , hence due to the cheap labor and other favorable determinants investors are attracted towards china. 

In china there are sme’s, small and medium enterprises that are manufacturing chemicals but a lot of them have the basic certifications that are necessary to manufacture and export chemicals to other regions of the world. More number of players means more competition which makes china a competitive market for the manufacturers, companies from other countries are also feeling the pressure as the prices that are offered by Chinese manufacturers are difficult to match. Indian and other Asian countries were doing well until Chinese manufacturers entered in the market and now they are fulfilling the needs of European and American buyers as well.

China may lack in terms of sophisticated certifications but not by any other means from A quality to C they are able to produce and now becoming active in acquiring the certifications that are necessary for exports to regions like Europe and America.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the advice, I think that your perspective is deep, its just well thought out and really fantastic to see someone who knows how to put these thoughts down so well.

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