Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Are pigments responsible for the quality of inks?

Pigments & printing inks:

Coloring paint pigments are used in a number of different industries; those industries differ drastically from each other in every aspect, like furniture industry differs from textile, but pigments and there usage is common in all these industries. There usage is primarily concerned with coloring purpose in most of the industries another important usage is its usage as deterrent from corrosion. These are the two prime uses of pigments. Being a color paint pigments supplier, one has to concentrate on these two factors to be successful in this business. In printing inks, there are different types of inks that are offered by the suppliers, which includes, offset printing inks, water based inks & UV inks.

In all of these inks, color is dependent on pigments. Above mentioned three categories are further divided into sub categories, as per shades, colors, thickness & different other variables are responsible for distinguishing them into further sub categories. As far as the consumption of inks is concerned than perhaps it would be fair to say that as the technology has progressed the usage of inks has also increased along with different innovations. Basic innovation is underlying upon the combination & usage of pigments than we have also seen other changes like using aroma in inks.

Buyers and supplier from all around the world are concerned about the quality and types of inks. This highly depends on the quality of pigments, thus the demand for pigment in this industry is also growing as in my previous articles including industry trends, I have discussed this demand side of the pigment industry. So for ink industry the field for growth (for both buyers and suppliers) is wide open.


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