Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Manufacturers of pigments:

Manufacturers of pigments: 

Pigment is a substance that is used in a number of industries for coloring and coating purpose, its extensive use is in paint and other color related industries which includes textile , where it is used in dyes and helps the dyes in maintain a specific color. Paint pigment powder is used in paint industries or in other words in different paints for shades. The number of different shades that we see in paints is due to the coloring paint pigments.

It has a vast usage in construction industry from paints to colorant, and in many other decorations for color and protection of the surface of a material. So its demand has always been substantive especially in developing countries. An interesting fact is about the manufacturers, many potential manufacturers are also from the same countries. China is known to have number of  color paint pigments supplier manufacturers.

From A quality to B, china has the potential to produce any kind of quality as there industry is well developed and they have huge labor availability which make china a land where nearly all kind of manufacturing can be done, not only related to pigment paint powder but nearly every thing is been manufactured here. China is fulfilling a huge demand of pigments and paints specially in middle eastern region which is still growing and requirement of pigment, paints, dyes and other chemicals is very high, it will be interesting to see how other competitors outside china can compete with Chinese manufacturers.


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